Gudhi Padva

Gudhi Padva

I he first day of Hindu year is celebrated as Gudhi Padva in India. On this day a pole named Gudhi is erected in front of the house. Padva is also known as. Pratipade, i.e. the first day of lunar month in Hindu calendar. A new cloth is tied on thejjudhi, a metal vessel is put on to it and a garland of sweets is hung on it. This is the symbol of the victory of Rama over Vali, a South Indian king.

The day also symbolises the beginning of new spring season. To eat a mixture of neem leaves,^/ and cumin is the special ritual of this day. On this very auspicious day, people generally lay the foundation of new buildings, make entry into new houses, start new business, etc.

According to the tradition, Rama and Lakshmana reached the Vanara kingdom in search of Sita where they met Sugreeva and Hanumana. Rama helped Sugreeva fight against Vali. Rama shot an arrow at Vali hiding behind a tree. Vali was wounded and fell on the ground. Sugreeva won the batde. Since then, this day is known as Gudhi Padva.

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