Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore is popularity known as Gurudev. He was the maker of modern India. He was a poet, writer, painter, thinker, scholar, song composer, nationalist and campaigner for world peace. He was a versatile genius. He was the first Asian to get Nobel Prize for literature in 1913. 

Rabindranath was born on May 7,1861 in Calcutta. His father’s name was Devendranath Tagore. He grew up under the care of family’s servants. He had suffered from bad teaching at school. Schools were as if prisons to him. From the very childhood, he was a lover of freedom. He wrote his first verse, when he was only seven years. According to Tagore the best teacher is ‘The Nature’. 

He was an emotioned and sensible man. He returned the title of ‘Sir’ in 1919 as a protest against the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy. He wrote more than thousand poems and two thousand songs besides a large number of short stories, novels, and essays. 

Our National Anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was composed by Tagore. His poetic works include ‘The cycle of the spring’, The ‘Evening Songs’. His two famous stories are ‘Kabuli Wallah’ and ‘Kshudita Pashan’. His collection of 103 poems ‘Gitanjali’ was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He founded the Vishva-Bharati World University at Shantiniketan in West Bengal. 

He was most influential person of this century. He died in 1941 at the age of 80.
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